Novus Biologicals

Novus Biologicals, LLC的使命是透過開發和銷售獨特的生命科學產品來加速科學發展。同時還關注於科學趨勢並提供相關產品以服務這些研究。Novus Biologicals提供多樣化的產品,包含抗體、蛋白質、細胞裂解液和細胞株、分析套組、活化劑和抑制劑及相關研究產品。除了提供高品質的產品以外,Novus Biologicals的抗體可以使用在多樣化的物種及應用上,更是被數萬篇以上的文獻引用。透過將這些產品廣泛提供給研究單位和研究人員,Novus Biologicals在推進生物學研究方面發揮著重要作用。

產品詳細介紹Product Introduction


基因剔除(KO)是確認抗體專一性的理想工具,Novus擁有超過700種經過KO驗證的抗體。提供直接與40多種獨特熒光染劑或報告酵素(reporter enzymes)結合的一抗。Novus的一抗已在數萬篇文獻中被引用。


LC3B Antibody [NB600-1384] - Confocal analysis of HeLa cells using Rabbit anti-LC3B antibody (Catalog # NB600-1384, 1:5). An Alexa Fluor 488-conjugated Goat to rabbit IgG was used as secondary antibody (green). Actin filaments were labeled with Alexa Fluor 568 phalloidin (red). DAPI was used to stain the cell nuclei (blue).


Orthogonal Strategies Validation. 
Dual RNAscope ISH-IHC: Carbonic Anhydrase IX/CA9 Antibody [NB100-417] - Formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissue sections of human stomach were probed for Carbonic Anhydrase IX/CA9 mRNA (ACD RNAScope Probe, catalog #559348; Fast Red chromogen, ACD catalog #322750). 
Adjacent tissue section was processed for immunohistochemistry using Rabbit Polyclonal (Novus catalog #NB100-417) at 1:1000 dilution with overnight incubation at 4 degrees Celsius followed by incubation with anti-rabbit IgG VisUCyte HRP Polymer Antibody (Catalog #VC003) and DAB chromogen (yellow-brown).
Tissue was counterstained with hematoxylin (blue). Specific staining was localized to glandular cells


Western Blot: GAPDH Antibody [NB100-56875] - Analysis of GAPDH in the multiple human tumor cell line lysate INSTA-Blot using this antibody. 25 ug/ml. Theoretical molecular weight: 36 kDa.








抑制劑是抑制或減緩其他物質(如酵素)活性的物質。酵素抑制劑與酵素的催化位點結合,從而降低其活性。Novus提供多種半胱天冬酶抑制劑,包括Caspase-1抑制劑、Caspase-3抑制劑、Caspase-6抑制劑、Caspase-7抑制劑、Caspase-8抑制劑、Caspase-9抑制劑和Caspase-12抑制劑。 Novus還提供各種訊息傳遞路徑抑制劑,例如ERK路徑抑制胜肽、NF-kappaB路徑抑制胜肽、NOD-Like受體抑制劑、AKT路徑抑制劑和 TLR 通路抑制劑。


Pam3CSK4, TLR1 and TLR2 Ligand [NBP2-25297] - 293 cells were transfected with pCMV/TLR1-2 plasmid and pNF-kB/SEAP plasmid using Lipofectamin 2000. After 48 hrs of transfection, 50 ng/ml of Pam3CSK4 was added. Cells were incubated at 37C for 24 hrs. Transfected cell supernatant was collected and analyzed using the NF-kB SEAPorter Assay kit. pCMV/SEAP plasmid was used to check transfection efficiency.


CpG oligodeoxynucleotides with negative control, TLR9 ligand [NBP2-26232] - Validation of CpG using the TLR9/HEK 293 cell line. The assay was performed using the NF-kB SEAPorter Assay Kit. The Vector/HEK 293 and TLR9/HEK 293 cell lines were transfected with NF-kB/SEAP reporter plasmid for 16 h. Cells were stimulated with various amounts of CpG for 24 h followed by SEAP assay.


Zymosan, TLR2 Ligand [NBP2-26233] - Ligand activity of Zymosan. The NF-kB/SEAPorter/HEK 293 and TLR2/NFkB/SEAPorter/ HEK 293 cell line cell lines were plated in a 96-well plate at 5 x 10^4 cells/well for 16 h. Cells were then stimulated with Zymosan for 24h. The cell culture supernatants were analyzed for SEAP activity using SEAPorter Assay Kit.




Flow Cytometry Control and Standardization Beads

流式細胞技術是一種用於量化細胞特徵的技術,例如細胞數量、大小和複雜性、熒光、表型和活性。收集準確的流式細胞儀數據取決於正確的流式細胞儀維護和實驗設置。使用質量控制珠可最大限度地減少儀器校正的變化,提高縱向研究的精度,並有助於更可靠地進行不同實驗室及操作者的數據比較。有幾種類型的流式細胞儀控制珠可用於校正、標準化和控制流式細胞儀和結果數據。Novus提供專用於1)校正(Calibration)、2)補償(compensation)和3)細胞計數(cell counting)的珠子。使用微珠對照品和標準品有助於確保儀器正常運行,並使數據具有可重複性和可靠性。

Calibration Beads Compensation Beads Counting Beads
*More precise
*Minimize fluorescence spillover
*Less sample

Calibration (Quality Control) Particles
Product Name Catalog Number Functionality Particle Size Laser Compatibility
Rainbow Calibration Particle Set (8 peaks) NBP3-00504 Flow Cytometer Calibration 3.0 – 3.4 μm 365-650 nm
Rainbow Calibration Particle Set (6 peaks) NBP3-00505 Flow Cytometer Calibration 3.2 (+/- 0.1) μm 365-650 nm
Rainbow Calibration Particle Set (8 peaks - EAL01) NBP3-00506 Flow Cytometer Calibration 3.0 – 3.4 μm 365-650 nm
Max Rainbow Fluorescent Particle Set NBP3-00507 Flow Cytometer Calibration 0.1 – 0.3 μm UV – IR
Ultra Rainbow Calibration ERF Particle Set (6 peaks) NBP3-00504 Fluorescent Unit Standardization 3.5-3.9 μm 405-650 nm

Rainbow Calibration Particle Set (8 peaks) [NBP3-00504] - PE Log x PE-Texas Red (TR) Log scatter dot plots with 8 different populations. Based on these gates, histograms show 8 peaks in the PE and PE-TR channels. Note: FITC and PE-Cy5 histograms not shown for brevity.

Compensation Beads
Novus提供各種Compensation Beads以滿足特定補償需求。提供明亮、均勻的染色,用於確定樣品中稀有顏色的補償。

Schematic of a negative and positive compensation bead particle highlighting the positive control bead coating with the species-specific antibody (blue) which binds to fluorochrome-conjugated antibodies (purple).
Product Name Catalog Number Functionality Particle Size Laser   Compatibility
Anti-Mouse Ig (H+L) Comp-Bead 2 Population (3.0-3.4 um) Kit NBP3-11302 Immunophenotyping species reactivity- mouse, rat, and hamster 3.0-3.4 μm UV – near IR
Anti-Mouse Ig (H+L) Comp-Bead 3 Population (5.5 µm) Kit NBP3-00497 Immunophenotyping species reactivity- mouse, rat, and hamster 5.0 –   5.9 μm UV –   near IR
Anti-Mouse Ig (H+L) Comp-Bead 3 Population (7.5 μm) Kit NBP3-00499 Immunophenotyping species reactivity- mouse, rat, and hamster 7.0 –   7.9 μm UV –   near IR
Blank Comp-Bead Particles NBP3-00500 Negative Control   – no antibody binding capacity 3.0 – 3.4 μm Most standard   lasers. From UV – 633 nm
GFP Comp-Bead Particles NBP3-00503 Green Fluorescent   Protein (GFP) capture 3.0 – 3.4 μm 488 nm
Amine Reactive Comp-Bead 2 Population Kit NBP3-00496 Cell viability of animal cells, bacteria, yeast, and fungi
Labeling of amine-reactive dyes
7.0 –   7.9 μm Most   standard lasers. From UV – 633 nm

Anti-Mouse Ig (H+L) Comp-Bead 3 Population (5.5 µm) [NBP3-00497] - Dot plots of the anti-mouse Ig (H+L) Comp-Bead 3 Population Kit exposed to mouse monoclonal fluorescent conjugates, FITC (left) and APC (right).

Cell Counting Beads
Novus Absolute Rainbow細胞計數珠涵蓋一系列不同顆粒尺寸,以覆蓋被計數的樣品細胞尺寸。此外,它們還適用於多種熒光通道,包括FITC、PE、PE-TR、PE-Cy5和APC。

Product Name Catalog Number Functionality Particle Size Laser Compatibility
Absolute Rainbow Cell Count Particle Set NBP3-00495 Absolute Cell Count 8.0 – 12.9 μm 488 – 633 nm

Rainbow counting beads can be used to quantify NK cell killing of K562 cells.  NK cells cultured for 14 days were assessed for killing with K562 cells.  K562 cells were labeled with Mito-Mark Green and NK cells were labeled with Janelia Fluor®646.  Cell counts were normalized using Absolute Rainbow Cell Counting Particles [NBP3-00495] (labeled as beads in each FSC/SSC plot) across different K562:NK ratios so that the amount of cell killing could be accurately quantitated.  (A) K562 cells alone (top panels) do not show any cell killing; NK cells added at a 5:1 ratio with K562 cells (bottom panels), show significant cell killing as shown by Mito-Mark Green dilution (B). 
Tissue Microarrays

Novus Biologicals提供近150個健康和疾病切片的組織微陣列(TMA),用於透過免疫組織化學染色(IHC)對人類、大鼠、小鼠組織進行高通量分析。此外,人類癌症TMA可以在同一張玻片上觀察來自同一檢體來源的癌性和癌旁正常組織,能夠評估目標蛋白在正常和疾病狀態組織中的差異表達。

Novus TMA Slide的特點:
  • 福爾馬林固定石蠟包埋人體組織檢體或人類組織冷凍切片
  • 每張玻片約24-146個組織樣本
  • 1 mm至4 mm直徑的組織,厚度4μm 
  • 各種癌症和癌旁正常組織
  • 許多器官組織可選擇
  • 即用型:
    RNAscope® ISH
    In situ PCR 

Tissue sample from human prostate cancer TMA panel [NBP2-30169] detecting HDAC6 (red) and Nuclei (blue) by IHC.

Comparing tissue samples arrayed at different densities.
Available Tissue Microarrays: